Hello dear reader!
We wanted to give you a little info about this blog. We are kinda all over the place! Most blogs that we’ve read are usually heavily centered on one basic topic. Well, when we first birthed this idea to start our blog, we did the same thing. However, Spider & I are waaayyyy to multi-faceted to be able to stick to just one subject. We have so many different ideas & intrerests, and sometimes they seem to counter each other. Like, we’re very not typical. I think that’s what originally attracted us to each other.
We love & celebrate being different. We think that essentially everyone just wants to be heard, but some people might not feel comfortable speaking for fear of being judged. This is our space to share stories & observations, & they are not going to only cover one subject. We know we’ll get judged. We know there’s people that like to be mean online. Guess what? WE DONT CARE! Because we also know that for some people (like you, dear reader) our stories & observations will resonate with them. Maybe, we might even open some minds to see things from a different perspective. Wouldn’t that be awesome? So come along on our adventures & enjoy our crazy fairytale life!
We’ll be back with more stories………